Monday, March 9, 2009

Mission Accomplished

There are fews of objectives has been achieved last week.
1) get my car windows tinted- that cost me around RM500 with the car's carpet
2) Manage to buy new sandals (from Midvalley NOSE- made in msia) I wonder does it last longer? - my last sandals was 1 years ago (still wearing it daily=P)...
3) Finally settled the curtains ordered for my bro's wedding.
4) Met F6 frens - last met is during CNY holidays.
5) Uploaded latest photos of me in multiply and frenster (pending last few weeks due to bad server)...
Hym there is lots more which more sap sap sui..
Current pending item: Dinner dress for bro's wedding.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fully Occupied 2 Weeks

Last 2weeks n this weeks time are fully used =)
What does it mean?
1) Colleagues and I joined Fitness first for free trial 2 weeks....
yoyo...its was time to stretch, sweat up ourselves.
Everyday (almost 6x / week) after work, we went for exercise and class.
Lots of facilities n equipments provided for members.
Besides, there are few classes held every week days. I likes the line dance funk the most where there is various of line dancing using the latest hits song!!! really enjoyed it very much.
2 weeks had passed and I had gain weight (OMG) in just 2 weeks time from 0.6kg with BMI still maintain 21.3 =). Its ok for me as long we stay healthy!!!

2) Shopping looking for dinner dress to wear for Ben's wedding dinner on 28-Feb-2009. Finally got one in Sunway. Thats my first dinner dress in my life in age 26. Can't believe it rite? Isn't too late? Besides, my first simple make up by myself.

I still remember my first dress during 2ndary school is Maroon coloured dress with small beads (like indian's dress). Wah...almost 10 years ago liau.

For the coming weekend...looking forward to meet up fren coming back from Penang and local as well.
Hopefully can make it!! Cheers!!!