Wednesday, September 2, 2009

I have Started??

I think I hv started to notice...
How I'm going to confront?...

30th Jan...I had stopped it....that's impossible to happen!!!....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My friend is getting married!!

It is August now.....time really fly. Got to know my friend Wey Sze going to get married this coming Saturday. She is back from Singapore for her wedding preparation. Really didn't expect that she will get married so fast.
Thru phone conversation, she is telling me that "I'm not pregnant"....
Haha...I never thought of asking this question.

This is the first time I will attend church wedding ceremony. Wonder, How's like..=)

Congrats Wey Sze!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"Day By Day, I'm Getting Better n Better" by Nirmal

Is this consider quote?
Hahaha..whatever it is....this quote which we always look into it during Form 5.
Getting great? Better? Improved?
This came across my mind again...
Do I achieving something in terms of value added for the last year?
Keeps playing in my mind.....
I'm trying to get rid of this!!! Maybe is just a simple step...(O_O)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Another Monday Blue

As usual, Monday is blue22......actually wonder y we called it blue???
I really dunno y...
Very suck this couldn't access emails n share folder....drag till 11.30am...really can resist anymore...get down to IS and confront them....really don't like it at all..No one is picking up phone at all.....

Still another 1/2 day to go..wonder what will happen later...
Hopefully great things are coming to me....YeaH!!!!
Happy Working!!!(^V^)5

Angkor Wat, Cambodia

My enjoyable Cambodia Trip on 19-Apr~22-Apr 2009....
1st day:We reached airport at 9.04am msia time. We ride Tuk tuk car heading to Mandalay Inn for check in at 9.50am. After unpack, we stop by Neary Khmer Restaurant for breaklunch at 10.59am. At 12 noon, we were heading to first destination Silk Farm which located 16km from the west of town. It takes about 30 minutes ride. Silk farm is a workshop where we can see the entire silk creation process and it’s more to educational tour. There is a retail silk shop selling souvenir. Next, we were heading to War Museum (reached at 1.43pm) with admission fees usd3. There, we could see the unattended helicopters / plane (quite big) which were used for war, mines area….and etc. At 3.00pm, we reached the Artisans d’ Angkor which quite near to our staying place. There, we can observe the woodworking, stone craving, silk painting workshop. Some of the workers there are students. After resting for about 1 hrs, we were heading to Phnom Bakheng at 4.10pm for sunset views from the summit. Before reaching the place, we have to walk a distance which takes about 10 minutes. What a nice sunset view, finally it has come at 6.45pm. At 7.15pm, we started to walk down the hill. To ease our foot pain, we decided to go for foot massage. We choose Lemon grass….erm..what a good choice!!!...After massage, we go for dinner ear Pub Street. We decided to have our dinner at food stall just opposite the Funky munky bar and restaurant. After dinner, we walk to Noon Night market for souvenir hunting.

2nd day:Early in the morning, we depart to Angkor wat for sunrise view at 6am. We are very unlucky; Foo and I overslept and delayed the time. We reached at 6.47am. Luckily we still can catch up. U r beautiful (sun)!!! Before visiting the inner center of Angkor War, we had our breakfast at a stall which just next to Angkor wat. I had omelet with bread and a cup of hot chocolate (actually the taste is exactly like milo with more milk). We took about 2hrs to explore the Angkor Wat. At 10.30am, we reached temple called Bayon. The highlights included the complex of the face-tower. Next is Bapuon and terrace of the elephants and there is another one temple which I had forgotten the name. We dropped by Rumduol Angkor restaurant to fill our stomach. A very nice environment and decorated with plants. As usual, we ordered khmer curry, and amok. Eventhough the colors of the dishes are almost the same, but the taste is really different from each other. At 2.30pm, we reached the Ta Phrom temple. At 3.30pm, we are heading back to hotel for resting and bath. At 6pm, we went for 2nd time massage. This time, we choose body massage. Next, we walk around Pub Street for dinner and finally we selected Khmer Kitchen restaurant. The taste of the foods was really good and of course not forgotten the fruits shake. After dinner, we walk around to hv a drink. We found a restaurant which the logos and the colors similar to the hard rock which named “World lounge”. We went back to Inn at 11.30pm.

3rd day:At 8.50am, we had our breakfast at Thida Spean Neak restaurant. It is located on the way to Banteay Srey at Triang village. We reached the Banteay Srey which translates to “citadel of the women”. The carving is so beautiful and embossed compare to others. Next, we visited Lolei, Preah Ko and lastly Bakong. At 1.30pm, we are heading to Tonle Sap Lake. It takes about 1 hr to reach there. We rent boat to look around the village on top of river. We left about 4.16pm and heading to Angkor Wat and reached at 4.50pm. We sacrifice our lunchner just to have a nice view of sunset at Angkor wat. Erm, worth it!! We left at 7pm heading back to Mandalay to clean ourself up. At 8.40pm, we selected Traditional Khmer restaurant for dinner. This time, we ordered pumpkin with prawns, pork rib, kako soup and khmer spices. Taste good!!!

Next, we go for 2nd time shopping at noon night market for final shopping. At 12.30am, we are heading back to World lounge again for Angkor Draft beer. We enjoyed our beers!!! It’s final nite….so we stay longer at Pub Street till 1.30am (msia time).

4th day:Departed back to Msia at 8am..

Monday, May 4, 2009

Busy Monday

Even though I'm not working today, but I don't have any free time to spend just for myself.
Bro getting married soon..this coming 10th May 2009, so excited and dxmn busy helping him all those stuff that needed to settle....which fully use most of the time on it during last Sunday and Monday....anyway, almost done...=)

Can't wait for this coming Sunday..(^V^)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Finally...I get it!!!

Whats all about??
Haha...I finally managed to get a dress for my bro's bid day.....
Even its look simple n might not be a new arrival items......I like it very much!!!!
I even saw a young lady wearing a diff color of mine in Shopping centre....
Who long its my new dress!!!! hahaha....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Finally...I found U!!!

After searching for the line dance funk song for more than 1 month, where the song which my colleagues n I dance during fitness first class.

We had searching, guessing n think3 n think.....Finally, one of my colleague who had joined the FF in April approached the trainer to get the song title n the singer....its "Insomnia" by Craig David.
Its really in insomnia during the period of no clues on the song title n singer. Glad to get it at last (^o^)1

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mission Accomplished

There are fews of objectives has been achieved last week.
1) get my car windows tinted- that cost me around RM500 with the car's carpet
2) Manage to buy new sandals (from Midvalley NOSE- made in msia) I wonder does it last longer? - my last sandals was 1 years ago (still wearing it daily=P)...
3) Finally settled the curtains ordered for my bro's wedding.
4) Met F6 frens - last met is during CNY holidays.
5) Uploaded latest photos of me in multiply and frenster (pending last few weeks due to bad server)...
Hym there is lots more which more sap sap sui..
Current pending item: Dinner dress for bro's wedding.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Fully Occupied 2 Weeks

Last 2weeks n this weeks time are fully used =)
What does it mean?
1) Colleagues and I joined Fitness first for free trial 2 weeks....
yoyo...its was time to stretch, sweat up ourselves.
Everyday (almost 6x / week) after work, we went for exercise and class.
Lots of facilities n equipments provided for members.
Besides, there are few classes held every week days. I likes the line dance funk the most where there is various of line dancing using the latest hits song!!! really enjoyed it very much.
2 weeks had passed and I had gain weight (OMG) in just 2 weeks time from 0.6kg with BMI still maintain 21.3 =). Its ok for me as long we stay healthy!!!

2) Shopping looking for dinner dress to wear for Ben's wedding dinner on 28-Feb-2009. Finally got one in Sunway. Thats my first dinner dress in my life in age 26. Can't believe it rite? Isn't too late? Besides, my first simple make up by myself.

I still remember my first dress during 2ndary school is Maroon coloured dress with small beads (like indian's dress). Wah...almost 10 years ago liau.

For the coming weekend...looking forward to meet up fren coming back from Penang and local as well.
Hopefully can make it!! Cheers!!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Who Am I??

I wonder who am I????
1) Hana Soo
2) Ms. Friendly
3) Ms. DenSoo
4) Ms Oki
5) Pretty Soo
or Sosime??

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Wei's and Jenn Dinq's Wedding

Last Monday, i took bus from Klang to Changlun just to attend my course mate Wei2's wedding which held on 10-Feb-2009. On the Chap Goh Meh nite before the wedding day, we had vegetarian dinner at her house and chit chat all the nite. Daniel (M'sian Idol2) did came too. They were x-2ndary school mate. What a small world.

The morning wedding ceremony was not that merry as it fall on Tuesday which is working day for all. San and me just purposely take 2 days leave to attend wei's morning ceremony. =)

Nice decorated by Wei for her new house with DIY on the wall. At nite wedding dinner, got to meet up shih fun, a han, say hong and kean lun. The nite goes well and end by Daniel's performance on stage. We manage to snap few photos at Lye Huat Garden before we left the hall. Proceed to yum cha at Kopitiam Changlun. The next morning, take bus back to Klang..."back to reality" after 3days holiday....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Luna Bar

Finally...i get the chances!!!!thanks to Kenix....Went there with few of colleagues to feel the environment there.
At first not planning to go....=)...but since its already planned long time ago...then just go for it.
Its located at Pan Global Tower in KL.

Bar with swimming pool

KLCC night view

With KL tower

Sunday, February 1, 2009

HappY Chinese New YeaR!!!

HEllo all,
quite sometimes I didnt drop by. This CNY not so good o....bro admitted to hospital twice due to food poisoining,,, too bad rite?? somemore emergency at midnight...poor bro.
Get well soon as he hv busy time for preparing his upcoming wedding on May 2009.

Cheer up!!!....hv to get back to work.... till then bye..\(^V^)/

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A day Outing @Sunway

Yesterday, as scheduled =), meet ping @ Sunway. we had lunch at Ijisan Ramen before start our shopping. Nice decoration in restaurant for cny celebration.

Basically i didn't spend any. Ping bought a lots of stuff. Here is the list...hehe...I so wuliau rite??
1) contact lense
2)Olympus Digital Cam
3) Bra's ..opps......
erm...looks like very little rite?? but all the 3 items had cost her almost RM 2k!!!!....

Nvm seen she is earning alot...=) but hv to SAVE too....
Shopping is done, we drop by kong wo tong to hunt for kuai lin kow. Yum Yum.... but not as nice i ate in Sg. Wang.
We left at 5pm...n heading back to Klang for car wash...Dxxx long queue but really satisfied with their cleaning....

HAPPY Mooo~~~ YEAR!!!!!! \(^v^)/

Friday, January 23, 2009

"Red Angpau" and Red Boom

23/1 11.39pm....What a peaceful first 1/2 of the working day environment. Everyone in good mood... No serious highlight in dept meeting, no "pandangan maut"...everything smooth. Completed my last report for the Year of Mouse...enjoyed my lunch with lunch geng as well.....

Things not going well at 3pm...dah da......received red angpau from DENSO-san....requesting as usual lot history...mood totally went down at that time...tot of settle up and new MM members will follow up...mana tau...ppls pun ade no matter how, I have to finish by myself.... very muntah darah when SR job competency is very bXX....sigh......boh least he has helped me.

blabla till 9.30pm..finally completed and send to JPN.

Received Red Boom from my x-unimate tonight....unexpected that she will married first.
Ad ROM last year in Sept. Congratulation!!!!!!!!

Thats my Friday 9....huhu..
*the end*

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

MC day

210209 12.24pm
Such a happy day as no need to work today....hehe....on Medical Leave...supposely not planing to use it and go to work today, but, the fever keeps coming back...mum said better rest at home....

but too bad I only can rest at home....not fully recover....fever keeps visit me periodically..... to over come.....?? i wonder......
Taken my lunch and medicine..but still feel cold inside hot outside....

CNY is near...but not in a mood yet...can't wait to meet Vianne soon this Sat...she is coming back from Bahrain...

Still wondering...whats my direction now? Shall i stick to plan A or go for plan B?


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just a Normal Day...but I'm Sick!!

10pm...too bad.....get sore throat and cold this morning...last night went to "Sou gong" dinner with total only 4 tables....really "tai hoi gan kai" all the top manager's behaviour either they get drunk / not....lukily im safe....dinner end at 10.15pm....

even though I'm sick, but my saturday routine still on.....wet market kai kai....6.45~8.30...isnt a bit long?

At 12.30 noon, I went to klang town to buy bus ticket for attending Wei's wedding....noticed that the express bus counter hv been moved to Klang Meru...2nd bad....

Later at 2, i went for facial as scheduled.....there i spend another RM 20++.....3rd bad.....still thinking shall i go for oil seeds laser treatment???...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Sky 14-Jan-2009!!

This early in the morning, while driving to work, the sky is beautiful, unique and rare to see. The shape of the clouds is like LOVE......I was so happy can c such nice view all the way to office =).....

I managed to snap 2 photos during driving..hehe....luckily no traffic police....will upload photos once i developed. "DONE....erm the quality not good as it wase taken with k700i" can u spot the love shape??

Maybe in other ppl view, "aiya nothing special comment la..."...its ok for me as is not a big deal.....just wanted to express......

Monday, January 12, 2009

A night Outing @ Midori Hako

13 January2009, 1.42am just bathed and now writing this blog. Just came back from Jusco after celebrating colleague Cactus Chia's Bday (120109)......(ye, wiliem,foo,tby,loh and me)We make a sudden change plan from 13 brought forward to 12 as there is no meaning rite to celebrate belated bday......luckily everyone make it....

During the outing, quite enjoying singing old "new song" which i know how to sing a bit but dunno the singer......luckily tby,wiliem n loh choose sum song such as "rush2", "spending my time", "zombie", "gemilang", "untuk mu" and etc....thanks!!!

tby ordered "gasberg" which i didn't drink quite sum time....i think got 3 years which last time was at fren's house warming night.....taste not that bad!!!

What a tiring day!!!!! =)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Thats how I spent my last Saturday!

Yesterday afternoon, after fetching my niece n nephew to Music class, I went to buy simple radio at HSL located in BT...selected the nearest is my choice. Quite happy to get reasonable price within by budget below RM 150. No bass, but there is CD n cassette player. Both are not important, FM is the most important for me...

It started raining when i got into car after settle the payment. SMS received from Ye (my coll) asking for yumcha. She came to fetch me, rain started to fall heavily....wah....45 angle one ler.....we decided JUSCO is the best place to get parking during raining day...=).

OLD Town is our best choice in JUSCO since its only tea time...After tea, we shop around n get into Nicchi many new arrivals compare to last year December 2008 (2nd week).....We managed to get a shirt which the pattern is the same, just the color is different...Ye bought the brown n i get myself a yellow color+ a spaghetti ....can wear for working n outing as well....good ne...!!!!

Next is PADINI, we tried a lots of clothes there, n i bought another shirt (can be casual or office wear too)....thumbs UP!!!...spend RM 100 for 3 pcs. Consider OK???

We went to WAREHOUSE too...I tried out one dinner wear....wah..that price can kill ppl...169!! not worth it as the clothes type it not that good at all...

We shopped almost 3 hrs!! We heading back at 8pm... That is my 3rd CNY shopping...
(1) Sunway (2nd week of December 2008)
(2) Midvalley (new year)
(3) AEON Jusco BT

Enough?? Haven't get my self a new working bag n a pair of shoes....erm...i think I don't need sum MOney for future as economy is getting worst n more shopping THIS YEAR!!!!

Diyana's and Iswan BIG DAY!!!

What a coincidence both x-coll's and coll's wedding fall on the same day. ITs end of the year 2008 DEC 21 is their big day.
KF, yong ,chia n I were heading from bukit tinggi at 2pm while Wiliem depart from banting. We decided to go to Diyana's wedding first which is much nearer compare to Iswan (in banting...super quite far.......its takes around 30 minutes to reach)....Luckily the weather is cloudy.

Along the way heading to Iswan's wed, lots of other wed couple tents in Banting...really a GOOD day for wed. It is also an actor's (Mawi) big DAY....mayb thats the reason ppl choose 221208.....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Shopping Day!!

11:07pm.....Just bathed n relax after came back from shopping today...

We had lunch at Wah chai Kuan Lou mien at 1.30pm before depart to Mid Valley.....very jam at the Federal Highway...Finally, we reached at 3.20pm and managed to get a parking after searching for less than 2 minutes... lucky**....The biggest sales of the Year.....everyone managed to buy sumthing for ourselves. =) . The xmas decoration is quite nice...we snap sum photos too...summore "zhi pai"....haha..

Drove off at 8pm and heading to SS2 looking for yummy "lala"....We ordered lala, fried pan mee, "thong fun" and vgs. Wah, super tasty and spicy "man ju gan"...thumbs up.....everyone satisfied...dang dang....reached home at 10.20pm...

Thats all for today...(",)