Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Urgent?? Yes...but actually Not

9:47pm..This evening, I intended to tumpang my collleague's car going back home as I dun hv car to drive....too bad, bro drove to Singapore for vacation......

Bad thing happened.
Txx: Let me c the decap photo?, erm, hard to judge if there's Dpoint cut, SEM only can determined....pls SEM immediately and decap the others pass and good sample....
Me: Ok, I will do it ASAP...

So, I hv to stay back do follow up the result and request my beloved father to pick me up later...
Finally I completed everything and came up to office, FPC and Txx went back ad....Im really not happy....told me urgent, but....all gone back home...what d HELL???

Maybe I should ask..."can i do tomorrow"??sigh......thanks ba to fetch me back....he had not a good eyesight at night during driving, so i try to avoid "ma fan" him......LOVE u ba....

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