Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Current Life!!~~

Gosh, it's WEDNESDAY. Previously, I did mention that I have started to love Wednesday. But now, seems like I prefer Friday (maybe…)..

In my current company which I'm working with, Wednesday is 'NO OT' day. Meaning they restricted that employees must go back on TIME on Wed. It is also consider 'rest day'. But if any urgent things up / issue, we have to work overtime! ;(...For the past few months, I ON, OFF go back early if there is no urgent complaint which need to reply ASAP. That will be my most happy weekdays I guess.

As for Friday, mostly complaints will be received and thats the day where I need to issue SOS. SOS is a report of complaint notification to RSKL (Klang manufacturing line) to trigger them there is a complaint receive from XXX customer. After working with QCD for almost 2.5years, the most severe customer claim is from DENSO (where my colleagues used to mention, Soo is ur company 'DenSOO'. arghhh....will ocntinue next time.....i guess must be sien reading all these nonsense...haha..simply....

Today (Wed) I clock out at 11.15pm~~....>.< really tired~~~
12.37am (5/8/2010)

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