Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thursday Nite

GOsh, I'm still stuck in office. Waiting for material to be send by RSKL members. This all due to last minute story change, no man power, machine cannot stop run and others reason.....

As expected that today will work late. This time dunno how late will be. Boss received call from sales chasing for reports (Tokai Rika, Denso customer). 'Hai, kyou dashimasu'. Sigh, really can submit to sales today?...We still hv 3.5 hrs to go before 00:00.

Today, i got news from my sis that grandma ad 81 years old last Sunday!! Gosh, I thought that she still in her 70s++..Time really flies!

8.25pm (5/8/2010)

00:00, Japanese report not yet complete. Requested to boss 3(b)'Can i go back first?', Rejected...;( (>.<)(>.<)(>.<)(>.<)(>.<)(>.<).....
Therefore, I'm blogging!....

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