Saturday, January 17, 2009

Just a Normal Day...but I'm Sick!!

10pm...too bad.....get sore throat and cold this morning...last night went to "Sou gong" dinner with total only 4 tables....really "tai hoi gan kai" all the top manager's behaviour either they get drunk / not....lukily im safe....dinner end at 10.15pm....

even though I'm sick, but my saturday routine still on.....wet market kai kai....6.45~8.30...isnt a bit long?

At 12.30 noon, I went to klang town to buy bus ticket for attending Wei's wedding....noticed that the express bus counter hv been moved to Klang Meru...2nd bad....

Later at 2, i went for facial as scheduled.....there i spend another RM 20++.....3rd bad.....still thinking shall i go for oil seeds laser treatment???...

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