Monday, January 12, 2009

A night Outing @ Midori Hako

13 January2009, 1.42am just bathed and now writing this blog. Just came back from Jusco after celebrating colleague Cactus Chia's Bday (120109)......(ye, wiliem,foo,tby,loh and me)We make a sudden change plan from 13 brought forward to 12 as there is no meaning rite to celebrate belated bday......luckily everyone make it....

During the outing, quite enjoying singing old "new song" which i know how to sing a bit but dunno the singer......luckily tby,wiliem n loh choose sum song such as "rush2", "spending my time", "zombie", "gemilang", "untuk mu" and etc....thanks!!!

tby ordered "gasberg" which i didn't drink quite sum time....i think got 3 years which last time was at fren's house warming night.....taste not that bad!!!

What a tiring day!!!!! =)

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